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KemKey™ Safety Couplings were developed in response to chemical transfer accidents plaguing the chemical industry. KemKey’s™ founder was part of the chemical industry for over 30 years and has seen the chemical transfer problems and their associated costs first-hand. The mixture of incapable products can become a full-blown industrial accident, causing property damage, evacuations, injuries, and in some instances even death.

The solution was obvious, no different than trying to plug a 110-volt appliance into a 220-volt receptacle, simply produce fittings of different shapes and colors for each specified chemical classification. Our research and development in this area has resulted in patents being granted in 11 countries. We believe that the KemKey™ Safety Coupling is the final barrier to preventing chemical transfer accidents when it is used as a part of a strong safety culture. Therefore, all standard cam-locking fittings that are used to handle potentially dangerous chemicals need to be replaced with a specialized KemKey™ Safety Coupling.

Tel: 505-366-1680

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